
Tuesday, 3 July 2018

You Get Stuck In An Elevator With....Writing

You Get Stuck In An Elevator WIth…..The Most 2 Annoying People In The World

Characters: Me (Miracle), Tiria, Lesieli, Darius, David, Lucky

Intro:Once again at the most famous but boring hotels ever “Heartland Hotel” it wasn’t that boring because my friends were there, tiria and Lesieli are the bestest friends ever, on the other hand, there are three most annoying boys that worked there, their names were David, Lucky, and Darius but out of all of them the most annoying one was Darius, David.

Build Up: When I was on my shift  David and lucky worked on the same shift as me and tiria. Tiria and I got called up to a room to clean but unfortunately, Darius and David were in the elevator too, I and tiria got confused why they were in there.

Problem: But then suddenly the elevator stopped and the lights went out it was so loud it sounded like BAM!!! we all got shocked and scared. When everything happened I was thinking why did I get stuck in the elevator with the most two annoying people why did it had to be those two then I said out loud “Why why god why” then they all got confused then tiria said “What do you mean miracle” I suddenly said “Oops I said that out to loud nvm “ when I got stucked on the elevator with those to knuckle heads and tiria I thought to myself I’m going to differently die alone and I even said that out loud too Everyone said “Yep you are” I thought that they were joking but Tiria said “You actually are”

Resolution:When the elevator stopped I was looking around seeing if there was any way out I had to find a way out quick while I was looking around I thought of how Lesieli and Lucky was doing and hoping where we are because their shift is starting when I was thinking I saw lights coming back on I was thinking that might be them helping us.

But suddenly it wasn’t them tiria had a flashlight because the elevator was dark and she forgot that she had one. We all were talking for hours and hours when we all were talking tiria stayed quite maybe because she was tired or something, I saw everyone getting tired so I told then go sleep then they all said ok they were falling asleep I was on guard just in case anyone comes It was getting late I thought it would be ok for me to go sleep so I did.

End:*Everyone Sleeping* I woke up and saw the time 10:00pm I heard footsteps coming so I woke up everyone I told them what I heard, OMG I am so blind I just saw a door on the top to go on the top of the elevator everyone was so frustrated at me I was like “I’m Sorry” they everyone else said “No time for apologies let get out of here” SO we did Tiria saw ladder going up to a floor we all climbed  it.

Atlast we were free everyone rushed down stairs to see if anyone is here someone was there it was lesieli and Lucky we were all happy to see them mostly me and tiria was happy me darius david and tiria was so hungry the first question we asked them “Can we go get something to eat” to lucky and that they were the goodest friend I ever had they already brought food because they thought that me and the rest was still here we were but I told them the full story while we were eating after that me and the rest was also tired we were all too tired to drive we were scared that we might fall asleep on the road so that why we asked lesieli to drive us to our house.

During Term 2 Miss Tupou Shared A Document Of Choices Of Narrative Starts Off Sentences Out Off All Of Them I Picked (You Get Stuck In An Elevator With), Why I Chose This One Was I Had A Good Idea Of What I'm Going To Add To This Start Of And I Think It Turned Out Great. After Writing We Had A Sharing Circle We Only Shared Our Intros Because Some Of Them Are To Long Like Mine After Sharing In Our Circle. I Hope You Enjoy Reading Because I Enjoyed Writing This Story.

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Playdough Making

Last Week Friday during the middle block we made playdough It was a lot of fun but really tiring because there was mixing then when the play dough comes together it really really hard to mix but also fun. Room 11 went into 3 people each for groups my groups was Lucky and Tiria My groups followed Miss Tupou Instructions instructions that Miss Tupou told us to do we had other people from different classes with us to after that we could make another playdough I made a black one because it was fun to make playdough I didn't really come together.Well Hope you have fun making this and make sure to have fun while making it.


Facing Challenges

Last week Tuesday we had Mr Williams he was all cool and that but he made us write a 6 page story but I was ok with it because I liked writing the 6 page story then after that we had to write a Book Review and Facing Challenges Story. Well Hope you enjoyed reading 

Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Samoan Language Week

Last Friday some Room 11 students and Miss Tupou went down to Mr Faalili House so the Room 11 students that stayed at school was with the best reliever ever Mr Victor and it was Reece birthday he turned 13,Well we was told by Miss Tupou to make a Google Drawing off how to make a samoan UMU we all watch this video off how to make it then we had to put the same instructions on.
When they all finished making it they came back to school students prepared the tables and chairs well the adults (Teachers) helped putting it on the plates and that, Once we all finished eating we had to go clean up and start getting out bags and start going home.
Thank You to Mr Faalili for Helping us making the UMU and making it at his backyard.

Tuesday, 29 May 2018

LCS - Road Safety Week

This Term, For LCS Room 11 thought of some questions about Choices In The Community, I picked Road Safety Week, Room 11 also got to pick this or a Anti Bullying Film Everyone Else picked the Anti Bullying Film.

There will be a slide about Road Safety Week.Hope you enjoy this blog.

Friday, 25 May 2018

Play Based Learning

Yesterday Room 11, Had a play based learning during the middle block this was basically about Room 11 playing with different object. What is play based learning? Play based learning is when you have been given playful things to play with. Go and see what goes threw children's mind and what they are learning about while they are playing.We do this every once a week, Im am not sure if we will be doing this next term but I hop we will.

Honestly it was so much fun and I can't wait for next week, Blocks and extra enjoyment would be fun to see and do.Next Week I hope we have more playful and fun things to do, To make this better more objects to play with.

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Shoe Measurements Chart

Last Week Each Math Groups In Room 11 Got To Measure Height,Width,Head Size, My Math Group Got To Measure The Shoe We Measured Everyone In Our Class Even Us And Miss Tupou After That We Had To Do A Chart On Our Measurements.We had A Lot Of Fun Doing This Hope You Enjoy. 

Friday, 11 May 2018

Dawn Raids Work

Who was Involved?
-Pacific Islanders
-White People

What happened?
It all started when all of the pacific Islander visas expired because of overstaying at new zealand.And then white people accused the pacific Islanders.

Why did it happen?
It happened because pacific Islanders visas was overdue and then it got expired then white people 

Anzac Day Film

Friday, 6 April 2018

How to fill a bucket

How do you fill up an bucket?
Your bucket is invisible everyone has it,It is filled with mix emotions happy or mad and sad.  Whenever you are and happy your bucket is automatically filled up,but when someone messed with your emotions like you got bullied or someone said something bad to you your bucket will be empty.  And you will be sad or even angry but whenever you have someone that loves you and haves respect for you they will do your day good.  Your bucket has one purpose only that is to hold you good thoughts and good feelings about yourself  but when your sad it will be empty.  You can fill other people bucket by showing love and respectful and a bucket filler is someone you shows loving, caring person who says and does nice things to makes other people feel good. 

Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Survival Kits

Last week we did a brainstorm about what would we need in our survival kit I got random ideas.

Tuesday, 13 March 2018

SNAKES and Ladders game

Last week I did a snakes and ladders game we tried it out it was good it was about showing our values and our visions FIRE our values and ACE out visions.The ladders represent positive things about school and the snakes represent the negative things in class.This is my snakes and ladders game.

Why do we read

Today Miss Tupou wrote why do we read on the board. We went up and put down answers that was interesting and learning

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Author Profile

My Author Profile

This is my author profile my group had Alan Duff we did a google drawing all about Alan Duff we did facts about him and what he loves to do.